Manitoba’s Commodity Groups

Dairy Farmers of Manitoba (DFM)

Dairy Farmers of Manitoba is a non-profit organization that represents and is financed by all dairy farmers in the province. All dairy farms in Manitoba are family-owned and operated. We are committed to producing milk according to the highest standards of quality.

Established in 1974, we are responsible for managing the supply of milk in the province, selling milk from Manitoba dairy farms to processors, representing the interests of Manitoba dairy farmers at the provincial and national level, developing and implementing provincial marketing and agriculture awareness programs and developing and delivering nutrition programs.

Manitoba dairy farmers elect a nine-member board of directors comprised of dairy farmers. The board determines the direction and policies of the organization. Learn more at

Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP)

Keystone Agricultural Producers is Manitoba’s general farm policy organization, providing a unified voice for farmers on issues that affect agriculture.

KAP represents and promotes the interests of over 4,500 farmers and 20 commodity groups in Manitoba.

Our vision is a sustainable and profitable future for all Manitoba farmers. We work with governments, industry and stakeholders on overarching issues that affect all farmers.
We take pride in being a collaborative and grassroots policy organization. As the voice of Manitoba farmers, all our policy comes directly from our members.

We carry out the will of our members through advocacy, collaboration and education. This includes meetings with provincial and federal decision makers, participation in consultations, working groups with partners and awareness campaigns.

We also contribute to Manitoba’s agricultural industry through farm safety and young farmer initiatives, along with labour and Environmental Farm Plan support. Learn more at

Keystone Potato Producers Association (KPPA)                        

The Keystone Potato Producers Association is the processing potato producer organization for Manitoba. It began as an informal group of producers known as the Carberry Growers Association in 1963 and later incorporated as Keystone Vegetable Producers’ Association Inc. in 1969. It became a Board in 2006 and adopted the current name. All processing potato producers must be registered with Keystone Potato Production Association. The association is funded by a check-off from members’ potato sales.

The KPPA Board consists of seven board members that serve on various committees including research, negotiating, Manitoba Potato Production Days and Assiniboine Delta Aquifer. Keystone has an active role in other agricultural organizations such as Canadian Horticultural Council, Keystone Agricultural Producers, the Potato Marketing Association of North America, and United Potato Growers of Canada. 

Keystone is a strong supporter of research in the potato industry of Manitoba, as an industry partner, along with McCain Foods and Simplot Canada in Manitoba Horticultural Productivity Enhancement Centre (MHPEC) at the Canada Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre in Carberry.

According to 2019 Manitoba trade statistics, potatoes and potato products are listed as holding the fourth position in value of Manitoba Agri-Food domestic exports following canola, pork, and wheat.

Although potatoes have been grown from the beginning of the formation of Manitoba as a province, the advent of the processing potato business is relatively recent beginning in the early 1960s. It has grown into a mature business and further opportunities will be forthcoming as producers, processors and governments work together in future developments. Manitoba is poised to become the top province in Canada in overall potato production volume. Learn more at

Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP)

MBP represents roughly 6,300 beef producers across the province. MBP is a non-profit organization with a producer-elected board that consists of 14 directors, each representing cattle producers in a specific region or district of the province, along with four full-time staff.

The mission of MBP is to represent all beef producers through communication, advocacy, research, and education—within the industry and to governments, consumers and others, to improve prosperity and ensure a sustainable future.

These efforts take place to strengthen our industry’s viability, improve prosperity and ensure a sustainable future for the beef industry in Manitoba for the benefit of our beef producers and all Manitobans.

To represent our Manitoba beef producers and their well-being is more than a job; it is work that we are passionate about and to which we are deeply committed. Learn more at

Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association (MBA)

Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association is a non-profit commodity organization that serves the beekeepers and honey producers of Manitoba, and is a Honey Marketing Board reporting to the Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council (MFPMC).

During 2019, Manitoba had about 900 beekeepers operating over 114,000 bee colonies, which produced a little over eight million kilograms of honey worth about $30 million.

The main mission of MBA is to represent and promote the welfare of the entire Manitoba honey bee industry through presentations to the federal and provincial governments as required, participate on the Canadian Honey Council and other organizations with similar goals and interests, and to promote a better understanding of beekeeping and honey to the general public.

Since 1992, MBA’s secondary purpose is to act as the marketing board for the regulated honey product by overseeing areas of production, quality, pricing, marketing, promotion, and industry education. MBA supports these either on its own, or through collaboration and co-operation with other organizations.

MBA is embarking on a new Technology Transfer program known as Knowledge Research Transfer Program (KRTP). This program is designed to invest directly into Manitoba producers to assist them to adapt and evolve to meet current beekeeping industry and management issues. Learn more at

Manitoba Bison Association (MBA)      

 The bison pioneers of Manitoba had a dream for future producers. Before the association was formed, a handful of producers rounded up wild bison in Manitoba, and paid the government one dollar per head for their capture. Thus, raising these majestic animals is a relatively new industry.

Our association was formed in 1992 with 35 producer members.  Interest grew among our agriculture sector, and with considerable investment in fencing and handling facilities, there was a huge surge in the cost of breeding stock as there was a limited supply.

In the spring of 1999, producers banded together to organize a successful show and sale at the Keystone Centre in Brandon. Every year since, there has been a “Great Spirit Show and Sale”. 

In 2003, with the discovery of BSE in the cattle industry, producers were dispersing herds and exiting the business and memberships dropped from 100+ to 58 in 2010.  Since then there has been a gradual increase in membership with producers scattered across Manitoba.

 Each summer the membership gathers at a host ranch to provide a weekend of learning sessions and ranch tours. Host ranches are from across the province, including First Nations.

The industry continues to evolve. Several of the producers are cow-calf operations raising stock and some of the producers are dedicated to finishing animals. There have been many changes over the years, from handling animals to transportation. Most finished animals now are transported by semi liners compared to a few at a time in stock trailers.  Throughout the process, the association insists on humane handling and safe hauling of the precious cargo. Learn more at

Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA)

MCGA’s legal purpose is outlined by the Act: To stimulate, increase and improve the production and marketing of canola and canola products in Manitoba.

MCGA was incorporated on July 8, 1982. Initially funded by a membership, in 1996 MCGA was granted a check-off of 50 cents per tonne through the Agricultural Producers Organization Funding Act. The check-off would later be increased to $1.00 per tonne in 2008.

In 2021, about 20.8 million acres were seeded to canola, supporting an industry worth about $11.9 billion dollars a year.

Today, MCGA represents approximately 7,500 members who grow canola in the province. Through the strategic, thoughtful investment of grower check-off contributions, MCGA ensures that members are well positioned to take advantage of opportunities to maximize their net income through the sustainable production of canola. Learn more at

Manitoba Chicken Producers 
Established in 1968 under the Natural Products Marketing Act of the Provincial Government (now known as the Farm Products Marketing Act), we are member of the national hatching egg agency, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, and the national chicken farmer organization, Chicken Farmers of Canada.

Manitoba Chicken Producers is a provincial farmer-run organization whose main responsibility is to ensure that Manitoba farmers produce enough hatching eggs and meat chickens to meet the needs of the marketplace. The system we operates under is commonly known as the supply management or orderly marketing.

Manitoba Chicken Producers regulates hatching egg and chicken production in Manitoba. Farmers require a quota allotment for hatching eggs and meat chickens. We allocate quota, set production levels, and monitor production on each farm.

Our organization is completely funded through levies paid by registered farmers according to the number of eggs and kilograms of chicken marketed. 

Our directions and policies are determined by an eight-member board of directors made up of chicken farmers elected from each of the six chicken producing districts and two hatching egg farmers elected to represent the hatching egg producers.

The board of directors meets with hatcheries and provincial processors to determine the needs of the marketplace and to set the minimum prices paid to farmers. We do not set wholesale or retail chicken prices.

Another key responsibility is to ensure the voice of Manitoba hatching egg and chicken farmers is heard at the provincial, national, and international level. Learn more at

Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA)

Manitoba Crop Alliance is a commodity organization representing wheat (spring and winter), barley, corn, sunflower and flax farmers in the province of Manitoba. Prior to August 1, 2020, farmers who grew and marketed these crops were represented by five individual commodity groups – Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association, Manitoba Corn Growers Association, National Sunflower Association of Canada, Winter Cereals Manitoba Inc. and Manitoba Flax Growers Association.

MCA puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization, including spring wheat, winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax.

MCA focuses its work on four main areas: research, agronomy, market development and access, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that MCA can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. Learn more at

Manitoba Egg Farmers (MEF)

Manitoba Egg Farmers represents 170 regulated egg and pullet farmers in Manitoba. MEF is an independent, not-for-profit organization, funded entirely by egg and pullet farmers and incorporated in 1972.

Today’s supply management system sets the farm gate producer price based on a cost of production formula, which covers things like feed and labour costs, and includes a reasonable return for the farmer.

In the subsequent 50 years since egg farmers banded together to form MEF, egg sales have increased 50 per cent, production has increased 50 per cent and our environmental footprint has decreased 50 per cent. This has also resulted in 24 new entrants in Manitoba in the last 12 years.

Today, the egg industry contributes $115 million annually to Manitoba’s economy, and is essential to the security and well-being of the province. One of Canada’s major processing companies has their largest plant in Winnipeg, which adds significant value and jobs to our province, and Manitoba is home to three grading stations, who market eggs across the country.

Manitoba has been a leader in implementing national on farm food safety and animal care programs. In 2021, we are well on the way to phasing out conventional hen housing systems: conventional production has dropped to 62 per cent of the total, with 23 per cent of production in enriched colony housing and 15 per cent in free-range, free-run and organic systems. We expect to reach our target of a full phase-out of conventional housing in 2031, nearly five years ahead of schedule. Learn more at

Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association (MFGA) 

The Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association has supported and provided strategic direction to the forage and livestock industry in Manitoba for more than 30 years. MFGA represents a strong, engaged producer network, a producer-led board and dedicated staff help provide important knowledge from the industry and government levels to the farm-gate.

Over time, forage-based producers have adapted to new and creative management practices to benefit their herd and crops through maximizing soil health, improving water infiltration, enhancing carbon sequestration and supporting biodiversity.

MFGA participates and leads in many projects and collaborations. One of our major projects currently is the MFGA Aquanty Project. MFGA is the licence holder and project proponent of the MFGA Aquanty Model, a highly-visual water movement model across the Assiniboine River Basin of Canada’s Prairies that was funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s AgriRisk Initiatives and the Manitoba government to look at the role of forages and grasslands in time of flood or drought. Learn more at

Manitoba Forage Seed Association (MFSA)

In 1991, the Manitoba Forage Seed Association Inc. was formed through the amalgamation of two long-standing producer organizations, the Manitoba Forage Seed Producer Association and the Manitoba Alfalfa Seed Producers Association. 

Over the past 25 years the MFSA has continued to work with industry, government and most importantly, growers to advance the industry. Our research is focused on improving crop productivity by finding solutions to disease and insect problems, improving cropping systems, testing new crop varieties and production practices that will increase growers’ bottom line. 

We continue to be a not-for-profit, member-based association representing Manitoba forage seed growers in all aspects of the industry.  Although crop research is the primary focus of our association, we continue to advocate for our growers on a provincial and federal level in areas of safety net programs, policies and issues of the day.

Today, Manitoba growers are known around the world for consistently producing high quality seed and we continue to be one of the leaders in forage seed production in Canada. Learn more at

Manitoba Oat Growers Association (MOGA)

The Manitoba Oat Growers Association was formed in 2008 to represent the interest of Oat Growers in Manitoba.  MOGA is funded by collecting a refundable $0.50 per tonne levy on each bushel of Manitoba-grown oats sold.  MOGA has six board of directors elected by the oat growers of Manitoba. 

MOGA, a 1/3 partner in the Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA), is able to have representation at both a provincial and federal level since Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta comprise POGA and represent about 90 per cent of the oats grown in Canada. Through this relationship, oat growers across Western Canada are able to access more funding and eliminate duplication in research, marketing and staffing, just to name a few, saving valuable time and money.

MOGA is very proud of many projects, but two of specific importance include the Mexican Oat Project, partially funded by AgriMarketing and the Prairie Oat Breeding Consortium (POBC) which is a collaboration of growers, seven industry partners and the Government of Canada through the AgriScience Project to fund AAFC Oat breeding in Brandon, Manitoba.

POGA, and the provincial commissions, have been able to leverage funding at federal and provincial levels. Western Canadian oat producers pay less than $0.17 of every dollar on research and marketing projects, which has allowed more than $25 million to be spent on oat projects. Leveraging the funds in this way allows oat growers to move forward on many more research projects than ever could be supported by farmer funds alone. Learn more at

Manitoba Pork Council (MPC)
Manitoba Pork Council is the representative organization for all pork producers in Manitoba, with a mission to foster the sustainability and prosperity of the hog sector for the good of pork producers and all Manitobans. We are committed to excellence in the delivery of sector programs, including quality assurance and food safety, animal care, human resources and training, environmental stewardship, swine production research, promotions and consumer education, public affairs and international market development. We work in partnership with governments and stakeholders to build and sustain a prosperous sector. Learn more at

Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (MPSG)

The Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers began in 1983 when a group of bean growers, along with John Rogalsky from Manitoba Agriculture, met to discuss strategy for accessing the Agricultural Stabilization Act support for Manitoba bean producers, which was at the time being paid to Ontario producers only. When producers contacted Ottawa, they were told that Ottawa would deal with an organized entity only, not with individuals.

The organization was incorporated on March 13, 1984, with a developed constitution and by-laws. In 1989, following a member vote, a check-off system was put in place.

MPSG collaborates with other associations and government groups to address issues relating to the pulse and soybean industry on a provincial and national basis, produces a high quality magazine (Pulse Beat) for its 4,000+ members, and has built a reserve large enough to ensure all programs carry on even through a year of crop failure. Learn more at

Manitoba Seed Growers Association (MSGA)

The Manitoba Seed Growers Association represents Manitoba seed growers within the professional seed system for the benefit of agriculture in Manitoba. The MCGA aims to promote the value of our seed quality assurance system to producers and end users and develop linkages with all levels of government and agriculture industry.

The organization educates customers on the role of the pedigreed seed system in the development and transfer of advanced genetics. It develops programs to provide production, processing and marketing information for MSGA members to expand their knowledge and profitability to their pedigreed seed enterprises. MSGA also facilitates the responsible transfer of plant genetics and seed technologies from the plant breeder to the commercial farmer. Learn more at

Manitoba Sheep Association (MSA)
Formed in 1981, the Manitoba Sheep Association is proud to represent over 400 sheep and lamb producers (both commercial and purebred producers) across the province. Our mission is to actively initiate, support and conduct programs and activities designed to stimulate and improve the well being of all segments of the sheep industry in Manitoba. We also present producer concerns and issues to government and other agricultural organizations. The MSA is a member of the Manitoba Forage Council and the Canadian Sheep Federation.

In 2003, following a successful referendum, the Manitoba Sheep Association was designated as the official organization representing sheep producers in Manitoba and thus allowed to levy a mandatory but refundable check-off. Manitoba and the other western provinces are now tied to the purchase of a $1.00 national ID tag per animal marketed (Check-off regulations). All producers paying check-off and not requesting a refund are members of the MSA. This check-off allows the MSA to more effectively represent sheep producers at both the provincial and national level.

As of January 2013, the Canadian Sheep Federation collects a 25 cent check-off fee per tag purchased for use in Manitoba. Learn more at

Manitoba Turkey Producers (MTP)
Manitoba Turkey Producers represents 53 farm families in the province of Manitoba. Turkeys are raised year-round in Manitoba with an average farm producing 7,000 turkeys, three times a year. In total, turkey producers raise approximately 1.4 million turkeys annually. This represents approximately 11 million kilograms of fresh turkey available for consumer enjoyment.

Manitoba Turkey Producers marketing board was established in 1968 under the Natural Products Marketing Act. The province is divided into three production districts. Our board of directors is comprised of one producer representative elected from each district, plus one at-large representative. These four board members, along with an administrative staff, run day-to-day operations at MTP.

The Manitoba board is a member of the Turkey Farmers of Canada (TFC), which was established as the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency in 1974. Members of the TFC include eight provincial turkey-marketing boards (Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processor Council, and the Further Poultry Processors Association of Canada. Learn more at

Prairie Fruit Growers Association (PFGA)
The Prairie Fruit Growers Association (PFGA) is a voluntary non-profit organization representing Manitoba and Saskatchewan fruit crop growers since 1974.

The association is represented by seven elected member directors and three advisors; one each from Manitoba Agriculture, Assiniboine Community College and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The PFGA work with On-Farm Food Safety and Environmental Farm Plan programs to ensure that the public values locally grown fruit not only for taste but as safe food products. Learn more at

Vegetable Growers Association of Manitoba (VGAM)
The VGAM works towards the advancement of Manitoba’s vegetable growing industry by providing a voice to Manitoba’s commercial growers. The organization provides the latest in production information while hosting outreach and educational events for members.